Special 50th Giving Campaign

50 Years and Counting! 1972-2022 

The Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve was established in 1972, which also was the first year of the full-time standardized fall raptor migration count and raptor banding research. For over 50 years, the bird migration research and education efforts have continued thanks to the dedication and passion of many involved. The long-term data from Hawk Ridge has served as a key tool in better understanding the health of raptor populations, science of migration, habitat management, and bird conservation. Education staff have inspired and connected people of all ages from around the world to the beauty and importance of birds in ecosystems. Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory is working hard today to continue this important research and education.  

This giving campaign is in recognition and tribute to all those that have contributed to the past 50 years of important raptor research, inspiring education, wonderful connections at Hawk Ridge and most importantly— for the beautiful birds! Thank you to all that have helped make Hawk Ridge a special place! Please help support Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in continuing the bird conservation efforts at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve for the next 50 years with your special 50th anniversary donation today!  

 I would like to help support the inspiration and passion for bird conservation through the research, education, and stewardship efforts at Hawk Ridge and in celebration of the 50th Anniversary with my special gift.

(please click here to make your gift online)

or send a check to Hawk Ridge, P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803

Thank you for your support! 
