Our Education

Birds are everywhere and we love teaching about them!  Birds provide a great way to connect and learn about our natural environment in every season. Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory provides a variety of education programs about birds for all ages, which can be delivered in the classroom, outdoors, and virtually. Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve in Duluth, MN is the place where we’ve been researching and teaching outdoors about the fall bird migration for over 50 years!  From September 1-October 31, naturalists are available at the main Hawk Ridge overlook to share in the magic of the bird migration with you by answering your bird questions, providing live bird education demonstrations, providing public programs, hikes, fun activities at our kid’s cart and more! We even have binoculars available for use, if you don’t have your own. We also provide private and public evening owl programs from mid-September through late October. During the spring migration, we have another opportunity for outdoor education programs, workshops, and field trips at our West Skyline Spring Count site from March 1-May 31. Education staff are available throughout the year for outreach programs, which can be provided virtually or in person for guided field trips, in the classroom/school forest, at events, and other locations for private groups.

Upcoming program information can be found on our calendar HERE.

To find out more and to schedule your program with Hawk Ridge, please contact Education Director, Margie Menzies at mmenzies@hawkridge.org or 218-428-8722.

Hawk Ridge 2022 Education Report CLICK HERE (PDF)
