❄🦉Winter finch and owl irruptions are an exciting part of the winter up north! Here in northern Minnesota we are experiencing a great irruption of White-winged crossbills, Purple finches, Great Gray owls, and Boreal owls!But what causes an irruption?Irruptions are migrations or disperseals driven by food! Often they are driven by low food availability, and the birds migrate to where the food is plentiful.White-winged crossbills are driven mainly by spruce cone crops, where they use their specialized bills to pry open the cones and extract the seed. Purple finches are also driven by coniferous cone crops.Great Gray owl and Boreal owl irruptions are driven by vole populations, mainly the Northern Red-backed vole. When vole populations are low during the breeding season, less chicks survive to adulthood, and the adult birds disperse in search of food.It's important to remember that these owls are stressed and hungry, so please give them plenty of space!We hope you can get out and enjoy some of these awesome birds!📸Photo creditsBoreal Owl by Peter MWhite-winged Crossbill by Sean MGreat Gray Owls by Sean M & Frank NPurple Finches by Frank NNorthern Red-backed Vole by Nolan K ... See MoreSee Less
Today was the final day of the 2024 Fall Count season at Hawk Ridge! Today, we counted 8 Golden Eagles, 71 Bald Eagles, 1 American Goshawk, 3 Red-tailed Hawks and 4 Rough-legged Hawks. The 6,184 Bald Eagles and 306 Golden Eagles since August 15 were each the highest seasonal totals at Hawk Ridge ever! It has been a remarkable season, and it is an honor and privilege to witness the marvel of migration at Hawk Ridge.This season, just like any other at Hawk Ridge, was only made possible by the hard work and dedication of a community of dedicated individuals, some of which we would like to thank: Trainees Phil, Arzu and June; Volunteer Counters Erik Bruhnke, Steve Kolbe, Stephen Nelson, Frank Nicoletti and Russ Edmonds; The entire Hawk Ridge Naturalist and Banding staff and Research Director Emily Pavlovic; and our many regulars and volunteers: Ralph Larson, John Edwards, David Carman, Ed Longhway, Larry Snyder, Dick Green, Jan and Larry Kraemer, Joe Beck, Kate Nicoletti and Mark Mathison. We cannot thank you all enough for your commitment to the Ridge! Never fear, as the cold dark winter will soon pass, and migration counts will resume March 1 at the West Skyline Hawk Count. Sean McLaughlin and Marie Chappell, 2024 Count Staff ... See MoreSee Less
It's an Eagle wind! Strong northwest winds have rocked the north shore the last week, and these conditions have been ideal for large movements of Bald and Golden Eagles! On 11/27, a new seasonal Golden Eagle record was set. Since then, we have tallied an additional 30+ Goldens, and we are nearing 300 this fall, a feat never before achieved at Hawk Ridge! Steady flights of Bald Eagles (1,393 this month) have ballooned the count to 6,113! This is the second highest fall season of Bald Eagles ever, and only 64 shy of the record. Thanks to everyone who has continued to visit the ridge on these cold November days to help spot eagles!Join us for the final day of a record breaking eagle season tomorrow at the Ridge. It looks to be another eagle wind, and we hope to see you at the watch!Bald Eagle photo by Sean McLaughlin ... See MoreSee Less
Become a Master Naturalist with Hawk Ridge this spring or summer! Courses coming up! Two options available to take the North Woods, Great Lakes Master Naturalist Course with Hawk Ridge this spring into summer. Learn... View Article
Become a Master Naturalist with Hawk Ridge this spring or summer! Courses coming up! Two options available to take the North Woods, Great Lakes Master Naturalist Course with Hawk Ridge this spring into summer. Learn... View Article